Hello rmoleko
rmoleko I have a fear that dropping these students from the first course period will have them lose some their marks.
As long as the drop date is posterior to the enrollment date, you can be sure grades will be kept.
Even in case the drop date is anterior to the enrollment date, you would be prompted before deleting grades (and attendance records).
Please note that you don't have to drop students from a course period which has already ended (ie. a course limited to the "jan-feb" marking period).
rmoleko Please help on how we can go about changing course periods assigned to different teachers but on the same course
If the schedule (days of the week and hours) for both course periods is the same, and if only teachers change, you can create only one course period and change teacher.
This is the recommended way.
For more information, you can consult the Helpful Tips PDF.
On the contrary, if you have one course period for marking period "jan-feb" and another one for marking period "mar-may", while this is possible, you would end up with 2 lines (1 per course period) for the same course on report cards...
On the contrary still, if schedule changes from one marking period ("jan-feb") to another ("mar-may"), you should indeed create 2 course periods.
Otherwise, attendance records would not be lost, but it may be impossible to edit them.
Also note, the fact of having 2 distinct Course Periods will prevent the automatic calculation of GPA for semester and year Marking Periods.