
Messaging module screenshot


This module provides an internal messaging system for communication between administrators, teachers, parents and students. It features an easy-to-use text editor (TinyMCE) which allows images / photos upload.

Translated in French, Spanish, Arabic, Slovenian and Portuguese (Brazil).

Download free module

Premium module

The Messaging Premium module features:

  • Attach File to Message.
  • Use Substitutions in Messages.
  • Message template (check the Templates plugin to save various templates).
  • Send again link (from Sent messages list).

Instant download after purchase.


Copy the Messaging/ folder (if named Messaging-master, rename it) and its content inside the modules/ folder of RosarioSIS.

Go to School > Configuration > Modules and click “Activate”.

Requires RosarioSIS 4.5+


The Messaging module can be freely previewed in the online demonstration of RosarioSIS.
Note: Activate the module first if it is not appearing in the left menu.


  • Author François Jacquet
  • License GNU/GPLv2 or later